The Bee and the Hive have long been symbols of industry & regeneration, wisdom & obedience, with a place in Christian symbolism. The bee, a symbol of diligence & industry, also represents vigilance. $230
Alva William Steffler, Symbols of the Christian Faith (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 2002), 107, Symbols of Christian Art & Architecture. A Resource for Learning the Sign Language of the Faith (on the web).
A closer look reveals the honeycomb detail on the cascade, all too appropriate for "Momma Bee".

This lovely little bumble bee is made of blue corduroy, detailed with 22 Mother-of-Pearl buttons, turquoise ric-rac, and pale green iridescent wings. On each side of the Carpet Bag are two outside pockets that wrap from front to back. Just to the right of the Scarlet Clover logo is where I always stash my keys and cell phone for quick and easy access.
Click on any of the photos to get a closer view of the details.

The Carpet Bag is very popular among my clients due to it's ability to keep things very organized inside. I typically use the center compartment for items that I need quickly, i.e. wallet, change purse, business cards & check book, while the side compartments are for tissues, the girly things, lipsticks, receipts, shopping lists, etc.

I have incorporated many different fabrics and textures in this bag which lends it it's unique look. Chenille, tweed, silk, taffeta, mole skin, twill, corduroy, cotton and poly blends all help to create the boutique look.