I love the movie "Gladiator". Although the film portrays a vast amount of violence as well as the greedy, dark side of human behaviors, it also lifts up the beauty of love and allegiance that a man has for his family and to his right and true leader. The main character, Maximus Decimus Meridus, Commander of the General's Army, is a figure that we all aspire to be. Characteristics such as honesty, unwavering determination, & being true to himself in a time of grief and strife are all part of his M.O. These attributes however, can all fall prey to temptations that would make such difficult times easier. Our hero though, displays no such weaknesses to succumb to the temptations. If only we could all be this strong. We are all familiar with those moments when the temptations are fashioned to our specific needs. We sometimes end up making the wrong decisions and then hating ourselves for it. Paul writes of it in Romans 7: 14-25, under the pericope The Inner Conflict. Why do we do the things we do not want to do, when we have the desire to do what is good? Paul says, "I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out." Only through the love of Jesus Christ are our sins washed away, and through the Holy Spirit we can find guidance to navigate our way in this world of sin that is ever evolving to tailor our temptations and grab at our Achilles heel.

This barrel-like bag is constructed of vegan friendly materials. Faux leather in a basket weave and a solid make up the exterior, while the interior features khaki bottomweight.

The shoulder strap is two inches wide and wears comfortable on the shoulder. A drawstring is laced through 8 nickel plated eyelets to allow for full closer, or a lesser constricted opening.

The bottom of The Gladiator Bag mimics the large shields that the Gladiators and the Roman soldiers would carry in times of battle. The center conch is engraved with a flower, encircled with a detailed rope. The smaller studs are engraved with a daisy print reminiscent of Eastern European design.
Click on any of the images for a more detailed view.

Staying true to my M.O., the interior of the handbag is just as good looking as the exterior. In order for this large circular bag to have some form of organization inside (as I tremendously dislike large "catch-all" bags), I have installed a large zip pocket that also acts as a divider and displays my signature cascade of fabrics in burnt oranges, golds & tans.