The theme "Animal Instincts" was really drawn from my desire to shed a positive light on the snake. Snakes in the ancient world were a symbol of both death and danger and fertility, life, and healing. The Gospels retain the Jewish association of snakes with wisdom: in the Gospel of Matthew Jesus tells the twelve apostles to be "wise as serpents, and harmless as doves" (Matthew 10:16) Through the use of Moses' Nehushta, the copper serpent on a pole provides healing for the sick. "Then the LORD sent poisonous serpents among the people, and they bit the people, so that many Israelites died. The people came to Moses and said, "We have sinned by speaking against the LORD and against you; pray to the LORD to take away the serpents from us." So Moses prayed for the people. And the LORD said to Moses, "Make a poisonous serpent, and set it on a pole; and everyone who is bitten shall look at it and live." So Moses made a serpent of bronze, and put it upon a pole; and whenever a serpent bit someone, that person would look at the serpent of bronze and live." Numbers 21: 6-9. It's interesting to note that the symbol for the American Medical Association is drawn from this reference.
Naomi Clutch $70

This sexy clutch is composed of black leatherette that covers the top front and back, and python print mole skin makes up the bottom front. Super strong magnets keep this beauty closed.

Peek-a-boo! Isn't that pretty. Naturally, I always find a place to show off my signature cascade of fabrics.
Click on any of the photos to get a larger view.

This little item just keeps getting better. Staying true to form, the interior of my handbags are just as pretty as they are outside.....in this case, quite sexy!

Flash that purse around girls! Under your arm or across the knee, it's always gorgeous.
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