I have for several years been drawn to the imagery from Psalm 103: 11-12 "For as the heavens are high above the earth, so great is his steadfast love toward those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far he removes our transgressions from us." I've pondered how to put these words to fabric and not lose the depth of the scriptural meaning. The symbol I thought best to represent this idea is the compass, as it serves as a navigating tool for our guidance and direction when lost, or finding our way blindly, if you will. Spiritually we can fall into that category as well....lost. Let Christ be your compass in times like these, and allow the wind of the Spirit fill your sails. His steadfast love for you will never fail you, and your transgressions will be wiped clean. North, South, East or West, you will then, for sure, be heading in the right direction! Steady as she goes!

The scarlet clover is symbolic of the blood He shed for me and the blessed Trinity.
Two large pockets wrap around each side of this handbag to provide you with an ample supply of pocket room for your keys and mobile phone. This allows for quick and easy collection of those necessary items, as well as that lip gloss you'll need to put on your pout when you're meeting your "bo."

"Compass" is classic elegance, reminiscent of days by the ocean, boardwalks, salty air, sunshine, and sandy beaches.

This handbag is composed of linen, satin, cotton blends, bottomweight, and nickle plated hardware.

True to form, SCD handbags are always as pretty inside as they are out. The Carpet Bag works hard for you as it is equipped with three large compartments inside, along with two slip pockets, both designed to hold the writing pen and nail file, as well as the check book and your big sunglasses. This SCD handbag is the mack-daddy of organization!
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