This delightful handbag was a special request. I utilized fabric that belonged to my clients grandmother in the building of this bag, as well as employing some of my own for congruity and flow. I chose to highlight the daisies I lifted from a summer cardigan, as I liked their bold and playful character.
In Christian symbolism, the daisy represents "innocence." This sprightly blossom, which can be seen in paintings of the Adoration, opens at sunrise and closes at sunset (hence, "day's eye"). It derives its name because it sees things only by the pure light of day. Alva William Steffler, Symbols of the Chirstian Faith (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 2002), 115, Canon Edward N. West, Outward Signs: The Language of Christian Symbolism (New York: Walker & COo, 1989), 53.
Detail of the embroidered daisy. The navy blue buttons are also from the same summer cardigan.
Click on the image for a larger view.

The red scarf that is prominent on all Rahab bags are symbolic of the crimson cord that Joshua told Rahab to hang from her window (Josh 2: 18). The crimson cord would be a sign to the Israelites not to attack anyone of that household when they sacked Jericho.

The simple, unadorned buttons (also from my client's collection) pair nicely with the crisp navy blue, butter yellow and white color palatte.

Fresh, spring/summer colors embellish the inside of this handbag. Plenty of pockets for all of your girly things. The long rectangular pockets are perfect for your big Jackie'O sunglasses. Double layer pockets on each side provide lucrative space for checkbooks, small note pads, mobile phones, writing pens, lip glosses and nail files.

I also made a little change purse to match.
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